Christie DuPree Wall

Christie DuPree Wall

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A little boredom goes a long way.

So since I've been home from tour I've had a lot of free willy time on my hands.
Only instead of using it to save whales, I have just been chillin' hard:

Watching Gossip Girl (ugh, barf, I know, yet it's hard to quit), making cake pops, and taking lots of photos because for one, I am addicted to Instagram and that always has me taking photos and editing them on my iPhone, but also I have been trying to force myself to use my NikonD50 and Photoshop more often. Because I am extremely blessed to have a Nikon at all, since it was given to me :)

Here is the result of today's particularly convoluted boredom.

My boyfriend said "You look scary in the moon picture" when I showed it to him,
and I said it was supposed to look scary, and then admitted to it actually having hurt my feelings a little.
He apologized, but really we all know I was just being overly sensitive.

By the way, I should mention the reason for my boredom is that I usually have like 9000 siblings to hangout with all the time, but the majority of them are on tour right now either with their own bands or tagging along with their husbands bands. And I being 1 of 6 children, am just not used to hangin' solo!

Which leaves me making coffee at home a lot of the time and pondering the complexities of boredom gone mad.



  1. I love the moon picture! Boys are just silly and think before speaking. My husband does this all of the time. Anyway I just have to tell you how much I love Merriment's EP. I listen to it constantly and made all of my friends buy it! You are both so talented and I hope you someday tour in Florida!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! that's awesome! I'm so glad you like it :)

  2. All of these are awesome. I'm just glad I'm not the only one that has been sucked in by gossip girl. I'm in season 3...Hilary Duff :/

    1. Haha oh man..are you a fan of hers?? I was so bummed when she came on.

  3. Never truly appreciate them until they're not there, huh?

    1. No way! I fully always appreciate them. Constantly. Which is why it's so difficult to be alone!

    2. :) Aw, that's sweet! You're a good sister.

  4. NEVER be ashamed of Gossip Girl. Chuck Bass, Christie. Chuck. Bass.

  5. I love these photos! Self-portrait photoshoots when you're alone & bored are the best.
    And I love that moon photo! You look lovely, not scary ;) Don't let your feelings get husband usual takes outfit photos for me, and there have been QUITE a few times when he's chuckled at a face I'm making! pffft. Silly fellas ;)

  6. You look so beautiful in these! And yes, Gossip Girl is going downhill, but it's SOOO addicting. Don't know I'll ever quit watching it.

